Research Projects

Concept of Origin, Singularity, and Shritimimansha

Date 13-09-2024
Details Everything is in the play of light and darkness.

What is darkness?

It is nothing but the absence of light. Now what is the absence of light. It is nothing but the absence of vibration (or at least the absence of those signals (vibrations) which we can’t perceive, doesn’t necessarily means no one else can perceive). Things exists even if

We are not able to see,
Not able to hear,
Not able to smell,
Not able to feel, and
not able to perceive.

Isha Upanishad says,

The light which is the purest form, I see it, I am what he is.

Why universe is egg-shaped?

  • First step: In the beginning we have flat space-time curve.
  • Second step: Vishnu or Purusha created an imbalance of forces resulting in ripple in the flat curve.
  • Third step: Ripples created a thermal energy increasing vibration and movement. This happened due to the Yagna (efforts) done by Purusha on Prakriti. This finally creates a radiation which is nothing but the concept of Rudra. Radiation has two effects: expansion and rotation. Another effect of radiation was conversion of available potential energy to kinetic energy.
  • Fourth step: Rotation in the step leads to parity violation created excess of matter over anti-matter. It also created the primordial fluid to rotate in elliptical shape.

How this universe originated?

This is the most intriguing question


  • Aparna Dhir, PhD, Institute of Advanced Sciences.
  • Bal Ram Singh, PhD, Institute of Advanced Sciences.