Research Projects

Mind-Body Dualism

Date 13-09-2024
Details Mind-body duality has been a fundamental concept in philosophy, suggesting that the mind and body are distinct entities. The mind is a non-material and characterized by consciousness, thought, and self-awareness, while the body is material, subject to physical laws, and consists of physical matter. Mind and body interacts and this interaction probably occurs in pineal gland. However, the mechanism of interaction between these two distinct substances remain unclear and putting significant challenge for scholars. Additionally an important concept arise which takes mind one step ahead to the consciousness level, and all the phenomenon and physical/other observations are manifestation of consciousness.

But other perspectives should also be considered, like a) how brain activities (cognitive functions) relates with mental state including consciousness, b) specific neural mechanism which leads to conscious experiences, c) is consciousness arise from the integration of information within the system, d) nature of consciousness and its relationship with the mind-body problem, and e)Concept of dualism is necessary to explain this or can we apply singularity concept here?



  • Bal Ram Singh, Ph. D, Institute of Advanced Sciences.
  • Raj Kumar, Ph. D, Institute of Advanced Sciences.